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Acceptance is NOT the key to success!

Caught up in a desire to be accepted is a lonely existence, why can’t we just be happy knowing that we’ve made ourselves proud, why do we need the likes and encouragement of strangers? People notice you when it suits, here one day, gone the next, how many of you are yet to find those who will be there the days things don’t go to plan, the day your heart shatters into a million pieces and you don’t know how you will get through to a better tomorrow? I assure you, you find those people, you cling on to them for dear life, for they are the angels of this world who give you hope that the world still has some purity within its selfless and harsh walls.

So often we get ourselves in to deep, believing that by getting caught up in driving others forward that it will be the making of us, that it will make us more desirable to others, that it will help us feel needed and give us a reason to be loved, wrong, you are enough exactly as you are, and if those you surround yourself with can’t see this, they do not deserve your energy or time.  We can’t take back all the energy or happiness which has been drained from our enthusiastic selves over the years, but what we can do is promise ourselves that before we invest more of ourselves than we have to give in others, we will first promote our own happiness and self worth, we can’t be there for others, to offer the best of ourselves if we don’t think enough of the person we are in the first place.

We can achieve all the success in the world, yet it can never feel enough, like an empty void, like we don’t allow ourselves to relish in that which we’ve worked tirelessly for because its not enough, imagine never feeling satisfied with yourself worth like this, because you’ve allowed others to make you feel your achievements are pitiful and meaningless, when in actual fact, for the right people, you’re perfect. Don’t wait to hear those claps, don’t wait for justifications that what you’ve done is enough, because I assure you you’ll be waiting forever. The people that matter are those picking you up off the floor on your bad days, they are the ones helping you make your right decisions, booting out all negativity that can prevent you from pushing forward and fulfilling those dreams.

Believe your beauty, believe your worth, we were all set on this earth to make a difference, everything for a reason, is so I keep telling myself. For believe me, the wrong ones know you when it suits, when they can gain from you, the right ones remain true to you throughout.

So far gone is the girl who wept for those who didn’t notice her, the girls that pushed her aside, we are rolling into a new year, this year has taught me so much about myself, I constantly have to pinch myself at all I’ve achieved, no one can take that away from me, I remain determined and defiant in helping others see their worth, believe their beauty and push forward to achieve their goals. One thing that won’t be coming with me into 2019 in the ability to deal with people who can’t treat me with the minimal respect and time I deserve. Don’t sell yourself short, be polite in your pursuit of success and fulfilment, do not permanently close any door, don’t be above yourself or feel the world owes you a favour, it does not. Remain true to yourself, know your worth and don’t settle for anything less than you should. Above all, remember all that has and does make up you, stay true to that, always!

Going forward, you might not know exactly where your drive is taking you, but don’t do it for the wrong reason, whatever you want to do, do it for you, be kind to yourself, respect what makes your heart happy and do whatever it is for the pure love of it. You do not need acceptance, if you get it and get it from the right people then great, if not, be happy with your own success, be about the positive changes in your own life for you, not for how many instagram or facebook likes you get! Be mindful in who you open your circle to, allow those who will enhance you, find those goals, place them in your heart and work damn hard for them, anyone who gets you will be there for the journey, the good, the tough and the damn right ugly. After all theres nothing attractive about coming to the end of a race, finishing with vomit down your face and tears in your eyes right? I’m yet to find that person that loves me at my best let alone in this ugly state, but you know what, I’m ok with that, for those important people who see the worst of us and get it, they deserve the best. Keep trying to fulfil your own heart with happiness, let nothing stop you smiling and be brave, take the steps that are scary but that will potentially lead to the best times of your life!

You might believe that there is nothing special about you, but I challenge you to see that you make a difference to more people than you realise. Focus only on those who matter and want the best for you, rolling forward shut out all negativity, this is detrimental not only to your mental health but to your continued strive for success. Remember, the only one that needs to accept you is you!! Forget everything and everyone else, do what you need to to accomplish fulfilment for your own heart!
